1. Click on your organization's name in the upper right corner. Then click Payments & payouts in the dropdown menu.
2. Download the report table as is with every donation you have received thus far. Or click Filters to select a date range for the report or to filter by campaign.
3. A new table will pop-up that allows you to select your filters. You can filter by date, campaign, or both!
4. To filter by date open the date preset dropdown menu. Choose a suggested date range or choose "Custom" to input specific dates. Once you have made your selection click Apply.
5. To filter by campaign click on any of the campaigns in the list or search for a campaign by typing in the name or campaign type. All selected campaigns have a checkmark next to the their name. Once you have made your selection click Apply.
6. Then click the download button to download a CSV file with all payments received in the set date range or for specific campaigns.
Done! The report has been successfully downloaded to your computer.