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How to Edit or Remove the Donation Button at the Top of Your Campaign
How to Edit or Remove the Donation Button at the Top of Your Campaign

Managing the Donation Button on Your Campaign Page

Whit Hunter avatar
Written by Whit Hunter
Updated over a month ago

The donation button that you see at the top of many of your campaigns is customizable or you can hide it all together. When you first create your BetterWorld account, Donate buttons will be linked to the "Make a Donation" campaign that is created for you.

Here's how you can manage this button:

1. Begin on the home page of your dashboard, click on your team name in the upper right corner. A dropdown menu will appear.

2. Click Edit profile.

4. Click Donation Button on the left-side menu.

5. From here, you can:
(1.) Choose to show or hide the donation button (choose Yes or No from the dropdown menu).
(2.) Replace the button text. The default text is "Donate", but you can change that by clicking into the textbox and typing a new word or phrase.
(3.) Choose the existing donation campaign you'd like the button to link to. Click the dropdown menu to view the campaigns that you can choose from.

Remember to click Save after you make your changes.

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