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How to Generate a QR Code for My Auction Campaign
How to Generate a QR Code for My Auction Campaign

Learn how to easily generate a QR code for your Auction.

Anna Speicher avatar
Written by Anna Speicher
Updated over a month ago

You can easily generate a QR code for your Auction's main page! Follow the steps below:

1. From your dashboard, click on Auctions and then Manage the campaign for which you wish to generate the QR code.

Screenshot 2023-11-07 at 11.09.48

2. Then, click Settings on the left sidebar and scroll to the bottom of the page. You will see the QR code. Click on Save Image. The QR code will now be saved to your computer.

Screenshot 2023-11-07 at 11.10.20

Please Note: If you change the URL (web address) of your Auction campaign at any time, the previous QR code will no longer work, and you will need to download a new one.

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