The feature campaign settings allow you to feature a specific campaign to make it stand out or feature all campaigns to control the order on the profile page.
How to feature a campaign
1. To feature a campaign on your profile page click the Edit Profile button in the upper right drop-down menu on your dashboard.
2. Then, click the Featured Campaign tab in the left sidebar. On this page, you will see all of your current campaigns. Click the Feature button next to the campaign you would like to feature.
3. Done! Now when you visit your profile page you will see the featured campaign above the rest of your campaigns! To view your updated profile page you can click View next to the eye icon in the upper left corner of your screen!
To undo this, simply select the campaign you wish to un-feature and click Unfeatured.
How to rearrange my campaigns
To feature or reorder your campaigns head to your dashboard and click the drop-down menu in the upper right corner, then click Edit profile.
2. Click Featured campaigns in the left sidebar. Next, click Feature on all of your campaigns so you can control the order.
3. Once featured, you can use your mouse to drag and drop the campaigns on the left to reorder the campaigns on your profile page!
4. Congratulations! You have successfully edited the order of your campaigns on your profile page! To view your updated profile page you can click View next to the eye icon in the upper left corner of your screen!