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How to Merge Duplicate Donor Accounts as an Admin.
How to Merge Duplicate Donor Accounts as an Admin.

Learn how to merge donor accounts from the dashboard!

Sam Jauch avatar
Written by Sam Jauch
Updated over 3 months ago

Sometimes there can be duplicate donor accounts under the donor management section of your dashboard. This can happen if a donor uses two different email addresses to make two different donations, or if you input an offline donation and add a new donor for a pre-existing donor. Not to worry, you can easily merge these accounts!

1. From the dashboard, select donor management in the left sidebar.

2. Select the two accounts that need merging. Then click the Merge Duplicates button on the upper right side of the screen.

3. Choose which properties you would like merged into one record. Select the blue arrow button to paste existing values.

4. When you are finished, click the Merge button at the bottom.
​Please Note: This action cannot be undone! After the two records are merged, you will be unable to split them into separate accounts again.

5. Great! Now the two accounts have been merged, and the donation history will be listed under one account. You can edit this information by clicking the blue pencil button.

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