End of auction walkthrough for online bidding.
How do I close the online auction, charge cards, and connect winners with their items?
Can winning bidders pay with cash or check?
What does the auction item receipt look like?
A donor's payment failed, and they're having trouble retrying the transaction.
What happens if a bidder's payment fails?
How does shipping work?
I haven't received my funds yet!
How do I download a spreadsheet of my Internal Notes on each item?
Is there a way to get a list of the original starting bids on all the auction items?
Is it possible to have a report of the items we have for auction?
How will winners get their items?
How do I issue refunds?
What forms of payment can our auction bidders use?
Do we have to use credit cards to collect payments?
What’s the best way to handle fulfillment?
A bidder's payment failed. What now?